4 Life Skills that will give you an EDGE in your career … and in life
I’m a constant consumer of knowledge … I never stop. I read at least 50 books a year, from pure escapist fiction to books on quantum physics and the nature of reality itself. I want to learn to speak Spanish conversationally. I want to understand cryptocurrency. I want to improve my investing process to get better results. I want to 100% conquer procrastination and just get shit done. I want to know how I can be more healthy and fit. I want to be a better partner to my wife. I want to develop skills to make me a better entrepreneur. I want to be completely organized and efficient.
I could go on and on. The simple point is that I want to get better … be better … get better results. Some of these things are just interests that I choose to indulge in, but others have absolutely given me a clear edge in my business (and personal) life.
Learning is where getting an EDGE starts for you … getting EDUCATED on things that make a difference … things that your competition in the marketplace may not be paying attention to. To be crystal clear, I’m not talking about your college degree or area of specialization. Your chops there are assumed … table stakes … you have to be a master of your trade to get a seat at the table. I’m talking about other things you do, know, and learn that will give you an EDGE over the masses out there that may have the same (or even better) level of technical skill and know-how than you have.
Everyone has different interests and there is no right answer on where you should focus your learning. But, there are a few things that I’ve learned over my life and career that have absolutely given me an edge and will likely do the same for you. So, here are 4 ideas to get you thinking:
- Financial literacy – Can you read financial statements and, more importantly, really understand what they’re telling you? Can you look at a company’s financials, annual reports, shareholder calls, etc and talk intelligently about what’s going on with that company? Do you have basic investing skills or are you just chasing the latest meme stock or crypto fad (no judging here – a few people have made insane money doing this … but it is few and far between)? Most of your competition won’t be able to do any of this. If you can, you have an EDGE.
- Soft skills – Your degree or technical training matter of course. It used to be ALL that mattered. That is not the case today. You’re competing with people that have the same level of technical capability that you have, often better. Sadly, the US education system is now just mediocre when compared to much of the rest of the world – and mediocrity is a tough sell. But there are things outside your degree or domain of expertise that you need to thrive in the modern workplace … things that will make you stand out. Check out this article.
- Process and system thinking – We’ve all heard it and a bunch of self-help “gurus” continue to peddle it. To get what you want – a better job, a raise, a successful business, lose weight, have less stress, etc – all you have to do is set specific, actionable goals. Throw in time management, to-do lists management, and any number of other silver bullets and you’re on your way to that billionaire lifestyle. Nonsense. Goals are fine for setting direction, but you need systems and processes to make real progress. Shift your thinking and you have an EDGE … guaranteed. Check out this article as a starting point.
- Selling Skills – Ahh … I already hear it. But, I don’t sell. I don’t have the personality for sales. I don’t like dealing with people. Dump that thinking right now. What do you think you’re doing when you interview for a position? You are selling yourself and your skills as the best for the job. What are you doing when you ask for a raise? You are selling your value and why you deserve that raise. Who do you think – outside the very top brass – make the most money (by a longshot)? If you guessed top flight salespeople, you’d be right. Selling is not inherent … it can be learned. Learn the basics of consultative sales and selling processes and you will have an EDGE.
These skills are just examples, but they’re good ones in that I can tell you they are skills that have absolutely given me an edge in my professional life. They are also things I look for and recognize when I interview early-stage talent – and sadly, things I rarely find. You bring these things to the table – you have my attention.
Future articles will dig into each of these (and others) in more detail, providing specific and practical things you can and should do right now that will absolutely give you an EDGE in the marketplace. For now though, just LEARN something powerful. Use these 4 things to get you thinking, but consider other things outside your field of expertise that can make you better, make you stand out – give you an EDGE.